03 9600 4614 info@tpclaims.com.au


T-bone collisions, also known as side-impact crashes, are a common type of car accident with potentially severe consequences. These accidents occur when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another vehicle, forming a “T” shape. T-bone collisions often result in significant damage to both vehicles and can cause serious injuries to drivers and passengers.

One of the key issues in T-bone collisions is determining liability. Liability refers to legal responsibility for the accident and its consequences. In these types of accidents, liability is typically determined based on the principle of negligence. Negligence in a T-bone collision can include actions such as running a red light, failing to yield, speeding, or distracted driving.

Liability disputes in T-bone collisions can be complex and may require thorough investigation and evidence gathering. Eyewitness testimonies, traffic camera footage, vehicle damage assessments, and accident reconstruction analyses are all crucial in establishing liability.

In some cases, both drivers may share a portion of the liability, known as contributory negligence. This means that each party is responsible for a percentage of the damages based on their degree of fault.

To navigate liability disputes in T-bone collisions, it is essential for all parties involved to gather as much evidence as possible and seek legal guidance to ensure a fair resolution. Additionally, adhering to traffic laws and practicing defensive driving can help reduce the risk of T-bone collisions and the associated liability issues.

Have you been T-boned by another driver? Contact TP Claims online or via our 24hr call line – we are here to help.