A car accident that seems straightforward on the surface can quickly go bad when the other person does an about turn and denies fault. Once liability has been denied, your claim can spiral out of your control, and into the darkness of denial.
When the accident was not your fault, denial is a bad situation to be facing. While there isn’t a good or bad way to file a claim, there are ways to improve the chances of a good outcome. You may need to hire a lawyer to fight on your behalf, or use the services of a business like Third Party Claims who know the system and can go in to bat for you.
It’s not unheard of for someone who caused an accident to completely deny their involvement. This leaves you having to prove it to have your claim honoured.
If someone else is refusing your claim and denying liability, this means they are saying that they don’t think their driver was at fault. This leaves you in a situation whereby the costs for damage to your car and belongings is at your feet.
You will usually be advised in writing of this denial, and if you are not, then you must request such confirmation.
It would be wise at this point to contact Third Party Claims to discuss your case and see what your best options are. There are usually options and avenues to explore before accepting the at fault driver’s decision, since they have a very biased viewpoint – as do you. With some legal encouragement, you may be able to recoup at least part of your losses.
You may need legal advice for this process. You can contact your own attorney, or we can recommend a law firm that has insurance law savvy lawyers who know the people and the system inside out.
Contact Third Party Claims at our Melbourne office to see how we can help you get what you are entitled to.