There are several outcomes of a third party when you are the not at fault driver: you are paid out in full, you are partially paid out, or your car is repaired. Being in a car accident is stressful enough, without having to fight for what you are entitled to.
We can make sure you are compensated for your losses; that means towing, broken stuff inside your car due to the crash (like a smashed mobile phone), and time off work getting your car sorted. Contact our Melbourne office to talk over your not at fault third party case and see if we can help you.
Frequently asked questions about making third party claims
#1. If my car is a total loss, can the other side keep my salvage car?
Typically the answer to this is yes, since they ‘buy’ the wreck off you, meaning it is theirs to do as they please with.
#2. Do I get a rental car if the crash was someone else’s fault?
You are generally entitled to a rental car whilst your car is off the road as the not at fault driver.
How long you can justify having a car for depends on you need and your impecuniosity.
Read more about getting a rental car paid for by the other driver or their insurer.
#3. How do I make the other driver pay to get my car fixed if it was their fault?
You will need to seek the damages directly from the person whose fault the accident was. This may mean seeking legal advice. We have a legal team on standby in Melbourne who are experts in car accident cases, so contact our Melbourne office for more information.
#4. I don’t agree with the total loss valuation of my car – what should I do?
When you are being paid out for the total loss of your car, you may feel like the other side has undervalued your vehicle. If this is the case, you will need to find evidence that supports your position, which might include finding cars of the same condition, make and model, either online or in car magazines or dealers’ guides and obtaining an expert report.
You can double check their maths and provide your evidence. If they still won’t move on their payment, you can begin the dispute process. Third Party Claims can help you here, and take over the process of managing your claim so that you don’t have to. Contact us to talk about your case.